yes, i'm ready for support

Work with an Executive Virtual Assistant to scale your business with ongoing support


Protect Your Time

focus your attention

"Since working with Prestridge and Co. I've fully automated my processes and I'm able to actually spend time on my business vs being in the weeds all the time."

Right and Good |

Client Love

- Rebekah Grmela

You’ve got years of experience, amazing client testimonials, and a business that can truly change the world. Yet you don’t feel that excitement for business you once used to. That dreaded “B” word is approaching…burnout.

You’re a smart, strong business owner who wants to reach the next-level, but you have no time or energy to make the moves you need so you can get there...

Running group programs

You're so bogged down in...

Delivering top-of-the-line service to your clients

And emails. So many emails!

Keeping up with marketing and speaking requests

Admin tasks like setting up contracts and sending welcome packets

we’ve got you!

You know you could be doing more profit-generating activities than you are and tasks that aren’t in your zone of genius have to be taken off your plate.

It’s time to take a deep breath and stop stressing because

Beth Weinstein, Spiritual Business Coach |

My business had grown very quickly when I started, so clear systems and processes hadn't been established. I was also struggling to find VAs with the skills that would really help me take my business to the next level. Sadie's team helped me organize my files, create systems and processes that worked for my business, and freed up my time so I could focus on serving my clients."

"It was great to have Sadie and her team help me get organized and take me from a business that was getting by to a business that could expand and grow."

client testimonials

Before working with Prestridge and Co. I was overwhelmed and didn't have enough systems in place to support the growth that we were experiencing. I had tried hiring different virtual assistants, but I never received the support that I needed. After working with Sadie and her team, I finally have time to spend with my family. I love that Prestridge & Co. has truly partnered with me to help me stay in my zone of genius. 

"Since working with Prestridge & Co. I have so much peace of mind knowing my business is cared for, just like how I would care for it."

client testimonials

Jennifer Lyker, Website Developer |

Before working with Sadie and her team, I wasn’t focusing on revenue-generating tasks because of the admin tasks that piled up. Now, I've been able to complete projects more efficiently and receive more income! I love having more free time because I don't have to switch gears to admin after the client work is done. For anyone thinking about working with Sadie Prestridge and her team, do it yesterday! I waited TOO LONG to hire someone to help me. I know that her whole team has my back.

"When my VA went on maternity leave,
I seamlessly transitioned to another VA instead of being on my own for 4-6 weeks. It was fabulous!"

client testimonials

Cassie Brkich, Owner |

Prestridge and Co. knows just where to start and the exact steps to take. I love that I now have confidence with systems in place and the confidence of having a support team around me!

"Even though we all have different businesses, the tools and organization are adaptable and there is an easy fix to the struggles any business is having!"

client testimonials

Leah Hadley, Founder of Intentional Divorce Solutions |

Before working with Sadie and Prestridge and Co. I was struggling with keeping up with administrative and marketing tasks. I loved working with the Prestridge and Co. Agency because it provided me with a whole team rather than relying on just one individual. It was significant that they could support a wide variety of client needs. Overall, Prestridge and Co. is a lovely group of individuals who care about the work they're doing.

"Sadie's team helped me set up processes that made training new team members much easier, and my business then grew significantly due to the support!"

client testimonials

Morgan Specht, Creative Director |

Working with Prestridge & Co. has given me so much more time and space to focus on the parts of my business that I LOVE and that I am really good at instead of stressing about the things I don't enjoy, but "need to get done." Before, I was spending a ton of time and mental energy onboarding clients, chasing down payments, managing my calendar, and just generally doing things outside my zone of genius. Because I know I can count on my EVA to fully support me and my business, I've been able to take on a much greater volume of clients and essentially grow my business.

" I can truly say that my business would not be where it is without the support of Sadie and her rockstar team."

client testimonials

Rebekah Grmela, Founder of Right and Good |

Before working with Prestridge and Co. I was struggling with scaling. I knew that my business could do more, but it felt impossible to do it all by myself and my systems weren't strong enough to sustain it.

After working with Sadie and her team, I've fully automated my processes and I'm able to actually spend time on my business vs being in the weeds all the time.

"I get the support of an entire team thinking about my business as well as the reliability of having someone who could step in should they ever need to."

client testimonials

Lauren White, CEO of Indigo Life Media |

I was struggling with systems documentation and unable to further expand our business or delegate some much needed work to others. I was doing all the internal work myself and constantly felt frustrated. When I was looking to hire a VA not one other team asked me about what systems I had in place for a VA to take on and this is why Prestridge and Co. stood out to me as the best choice. They spent a lot of time diving into what systems I needed to be successful in my business and with my EVA, so now I'm confident with delegating work, and it's easy too!

"Having a second brain to problem-solve with as well as creating systems and processes for each area of my business was a breath of fresh air. "

client testimonials

Eryn Morgan, Success Strategist |

Working with Prestridge & Co. was business (and life) changing! My VA created thoughtful systems that helped me stay organized, and gave gentle nudges that actually helped me get things done. My VA was well versed in all the typical day-to-day things, but what really impressed me was the level of personal responsibility and ownership she took inside my business. Nothing fell through the cracks. Nothing was “half-done.” I would enthusiastically recommend Prestridge & Co.!

"Sadie and her team anticipated my needs and caught tiny details that made a huge difference. They helped me hold my boundaries and protected my time."

client testimonials

"So many opportunities opened up for me and I saw how much time I was wasting on manual systems and "busywork."

I would highly recommend Sadie and her team to any business owner looking to get some organization, systems and general executive support. I didn't know how much I was struggling until we started working together. The amount of training that Sadie gives her team is phenomenal. All her team members are trained on all the systems that Sadie's clients use, so that if someone else needs to step into that client's work it can be done in a seamless way. You would not get that from an individual VA!

Laura Kelly, Founder & Virtual CFO |

client testimonials

Ashley Burnside |

Working with Prestridge & Co. has given me the business support I needed to grow and be the CEO of my business. With Sadie's support I was able to streamline my business systems in ways I never thought about before and I've gone from overwhelmed to a profitable CEO.

"Having Sadie in my corner for support has been absolutely vital to my growth and success."

client testimonials

Optimized to help your business grow with a partner by your side for the whole thing!

Custom-Tailored Systems and Processes

When you work with a Prestridge & Co. Executive Virtual Assistant, you get…

as much as you do

your business just

When it’s clear that you need more hands than just yours supporting your business, you want partners you can trust who care about

Someone you don’t have to handhold – Our highly-trained EVAs will help you determine what support would make the most impact, then get to work without lots of back-and-forth direction from you.

Easy and efficient systems created for you by your EVA and complete documentation of the process – Mistakes? They only happen once.

Seamless coverage when your EVA is away – Someone else can step in using the systems already put in place so you’re never without support.

A proactive member of your team – An EVA is more than a task-doer (though we handle your to-dos, too!). We’re always looking for ways to help your business grow.

The plane built while you’re flying it – You need support now. We’re experts at putting systems in place as we go, plus you’ll have a team lead overseeing your account so balls aren’t dropped.

A full team strategizing for you and your goals – We have specialists in every area so when you want to do something new in your business, we can help you make it happen.

Investment: Starts at $800 per month, 

yes, This is great! I want it!



"I feel great. You guys took care of everything. I could not have hoped for someone as amazing as you to support me while I went on vacation."

"I'm finally able to live this dream of running my business and doing other things that I love. It feels like I'm held and supported."

"I've gotten a lot of time back. I haven't had to stay up late to handle all the little things because they're just done."

keep it running

Feel the instant relief of an efficient business and a partner who will

A Prestridge & Co. Executive Virtual Assistant will be your right hand, taking all the extra work you can’t or don't want to do off your plate so you can grow your business and love what you do!

The structure? It’ll help you exceed your goals. The systems? They’re integrated so it makes sense together.
The support? It’ll be just what you need to thrive.

And it’ll all work collaboratively so your entire business moves effortlessly to get where you want to go.

I’m ready for EVA Support in my business

Got Questions?

What can Prestridge & Co. do for my business?

This is a big one. Ultimately, every person & business is different.

At a minimum, we set up clear systems for you that fit into your business. We’ll be your second brain, making sure you’re thinking about all components of a product launch, blog management system, or onboarding process. And that’s just the beginning!


Great question! This has to do with your success working with an EVA. We need you to be set up systems-wise to support an EVA and other team members. Even if you have systems coming in, we need to ensure that you have the best ones for you and your business so we can all succeed in our mission.

By ensuring your systems are set up just the way you like them, we get to learn about your preferences, which helps us work together seamlessly.

A freelancing VA or solopreneur who isn’t sure how to set up systems will require way more questions and support than our team of highly trained experts. All of our team members are trained in the way we set up systems, so you can rest assured that your Prestridge and Co. team members will be able to hit the ground running when they begin partnering with you.

We do offer packages that do not include a full system set up, if you need to get started faster.

What if I had a bad experience with an EVA in the past?

Unfortunately, we hear this a lot! If you’ve ever wondered why the VAs you’ve tried to hire in the past haven’t worked out, you (or they) might have skipped a few steps.

The EVAs at Prestridge & Co. go through an extensive training process that's been honed by working with dozens of small businesses. They’ve learned to think like you would and they become your second brain.

Also, you may have skipped the “getting to know you” step. By taking the time to get to know you and your preferences, we’ll be able to create a seamless experience when handing work over to your EVA.

What if I don’t work well with the EVA you assign?

While it’s rare, this happens. If it does, please know we will assess the situation immediately and work collaboratively with you to come to a solution that works for both parties. If a solution can’t be met, we’ll assign you a new EVA and stay with you both for a few weeks to make sure nothing falls through the cracks and any issues you had before are resolved.

Why is there a 3-month minimum commitment on retainer services?

Consistent support is key to growing and maintaining your business and allowing you to step into the CEO role! Many of our clients have been through numerous VAs before they find us…and that’s very frustrating!

By allowing for this 3-month commitment, there is plenty of time to onboard, get comfortable, and see results. I always tell our clients the first month sucks and you wonder why you did this. The second month, you’re starting to get it. By the third month, you’re comfortable with what we’re doing. Then at months 4-6, you’re seeing growth.

It takes time to save time (it takes a little time at the beginning to see the results) and our most successful clients have stuck with us for years after these initial few months because they love the results!

What makes your Systems Offerings better than others out there?

Most Systems Specialists only work in one program (Dubsado, Asana, G-suite etc.) and often don’t consider the other programs or people in your business that need to use them. Prestridge & Co. creates systems and processes that streamline and integrate all of your programs. You’ll be assured they’ll work together cohesively so your entire business moves effortlessly.

In short, we’ll set up the systems, write the SOPs so anyone on your team can understand the steps of the process and utilize all the programs, and make sure they work and jive together. It’ll be easy for you to bring on a team because everyone will know how to best utilize your tools.

Why are Prestridge & Co.'s prices and packages different from most VAs?

Our rates and packages are determined based on the level of support that you need and the level of expertise that’s required for our team to be successful in supporting your business. Every business is different, but the general rule applies: you get what you pay for.

A freelancing VA or solopreneur who’s just starting out will have different rates than a more experienced VA. Working with a small agency will provide you with more support and reassurances than an individual who might decide to change directions and discontinue your contract at any time.

There are pros and cons to every scenario, so the key question to ask yourself shouldn’t be based on price. Rather, you should evaluate our services based on the level of support and service you need for your business to continue to grow.

How does Prestridge & Co. work, and what makes you different from working with a single virtual assistant? 

We are a small agency with multiple EVAs on our team.

When you’re matched with someone on our team, they’ll focus on providing you with comprehensive support that is focused on building a long-term relationship with you and your business. They’ll make an effort to get to know your clients and the existing team as appropriate. Their long-term focus will ultimately allow them to identify ways for you to streamline your business for growth and expansion.

We are very high-touch and like to look at your business backend with an eye towards integration and streamlining. We’ll set up systems that will serve your business well. And we’ll provide you with a more comprehensive level of executive support than you may be accustomed to with other task-only VAs. We’ll provide accountability and structure to your days in an effort to help you get things done.

Our mission is to re-stoke your entrepreneurial fire and help you recover from overwhelm and burnout from being a solopreneur. We’ll help run your business efficiently and give back your precious time that will allow you to increase revenue and grow your dream business.

What is the difference between a VA and an EVA?

There are a few different types of assistants based on the strengths of their skills and the areas in which they focus their work. Which one you hire should be based upon your needs and what tasks you’d like to be supported in.

There’s an Executive Virtual Assistant (EVA) (That's us!). Think of this person as a second you, minus your genius work. With our team, you’ll receive comprehensive CEO support that trickles down throughout the business (ie. they self-manage and actually help wrangle you, the CEO, so you get your genius work done while they take care of the rest.)

Then, there’s a Virtual Assistant (VA). A VA is typically task-based and focused on a defined scope of work. You can give this assistant a list of to-dos and they are capable of doing them, though they may not think outside the box or take initiative to do more. They typically need more direction and accountability as they aren’t well-versed in C-suite support like an EVA. You’ll likely need to manage VAs a bit more.

What’s it like to work with an EVA?

Your EVA can be like your second brain, except they think of details and system related things that your visionary, creative brain likely hasn’t considered. They stay on top of everything that’s happening with your company, so when there’s a question about a client or an event on your calendar, they’ll be your go-to person for the answer.

How does a retainer relationship with Prestridge & Co. work?

A retainer relationship is the Prestridge & Co. way of making sure you’re always fully supported. We don’t work by the hour or submit time reports to you. Instead, we get the job done, no matter how much time it takes. Some months, we’ll be supporting “business as usual.” Other months, you’ll need more support in order to complete a short term project in your business. And some months, you might even be taking an extended break from your business.

Our belief is that it all balances out. Rather than having the rate you pay change monthly based on the tasks at hand, we believe it’s more beneficial for all concerned to have a standard rate that remains consistent throughout our contract term.

"Sadie's team helped me set up processes that made training new team members much easier, and my business then grew significantly due to the support!"

Intentional Divorce Solutions |

Client Love

- Leah Hadley

have the brain space to create new things in your life and business

serve clients really well

take time off

make more money

be fulfilled

Are you ready to...

something great

Let’s make this your reality every day in your business!

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send me the list!

There are 172+ Things a great executive va can do to support you.

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Grab your copy of The Ultimate Guide to Leveraging VA Support and start delegating like a pro right away!

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