25+ Tasks To Delegate To Your Executive Virtual Assistant

I bet your overwhelm trigger is probably pretty close. When my clients first come to me, their Number One complaint is that they’re overwhelmed. They can’t keep up with everything they have to do for their business, so what they want to do gets tucked on the back burner and given the bare minimum attention.

That is why having support is so important.

If you want to be a high-level CEO who challenges the norm daily (or you just want to do good work so you’re able to shut your laptop at 5pm feeling satisfied)… You’re not going to get there by trying to do it all yourself.

Learning to delegate (and then actually delegating!) is a necessity to growing a thriving, intentional business.

One of the most common questions I get is, “So what can an Executive Virtual Assistant actually do for me?” While it’s a hard question to answer, because every EVA has her own strengths and weaknesses, the answer basically boils down to, “What do you want to delegate?” 

Delegating is a super-power. Not everyone is great at delegating – it took me a while at first (sorry to my first VAs). But if you aren’t delegating, there is no way in hell you’re going to grow in your business.

Often when clients come to Prestridge & Co, they’re frustrated that little things are falling through the cracks. When you delegate, you’re basically doubling the amount of time you have during the day. You’re able to focus on your genius work and your EVA can focus on theirs (AKA: supporting you in your online business by being your right-hand and your go-to person in your business!). 

Keep in mind that not all EVAs (or VAs) will do everything you’ve listed in your job description. However, if you know what you need to delegate and the type of person you need to hire, then you can find an EVA you adore and who can accomplish all the tasks you struggle fitting into your day. 

With that being said, this list of Executive Virtual Assistant tasks are just a sampling of the ways that an EVA can support you. This isn’t exclusive to EVAs — also keep in mind that tech specialists and other assistants could have different things on their list to help you. 

At Prestridge & Co, this is the bare minimum! We offer many solutions, so if you’re looking for help in a certain area that you don’t see here, there’s a good chance we’ve got someone who can step in and provide the expertise you’re looking for. Just contact us to get the conversation started! 

Related Reading: 3 Ways an Executive Virtual Assistant Can Support Your Business Goals

While this list is by no means exhaustive, it should give you a great place to start. When you’re looking to delegate tasks to the appropriate assistant, think about the most pressing tasks you need help with. As you’re interviewing assistants, put the priority on those tasks and make sure they’ve experienced and can handle them.

If you want to see an even more comprehensive list of the different types of support an EVA can do for you, download The Ultimate Guide to Leveraging VA Support: 172+ Things A Great Executive VA Can Do To Support You

Did seeing that list of the ways an EVA can support you already get the wheels turning for you? Let’s chat to see if we’d be a good fit to work together! Schedule a call and start delegating that to-do list!

Related Reading: 10 Tools for Online Entrepreneurs to Make Your Life Easier

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There are 172+ Things a great executive va can do to support you.

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